Erdélyi Magyar Kortárs Kultúráért Díj Zágoni Balázsnak és Marius Tabacunak2018-11-27
Az 1918-as nagy egyesülés - könyvbemutatók Csíkszeredában és GyergyószentmiklósonHow timely it is that Pastor Szilágyi’s memoir of his forced labour in Communist-run Romania now appears in English! The waning of the charmed life of the church in the West makes Sentenced to Joy not only a gripping, honest, humble, and moving historical account, but a Christ-centered, spiritually-insightful, and joy-filled education in how to suffer for the gospel. The memoir deserves a wide, attentive, and enduring readership.
Tim J. R. Trumper, President, From His Fullness Ministries
Rev. Szilágyi lived and survived under strictly atheistic dictatorship because of a peculiar vision of a kinship-family “relationship network” focused on and rooted in God. His fears of those persecuting him were conquered, not by strength or rebellion, but by his vivid understanding of what it meant to be a child of God. He viewed his captors as the servants of his heavenly Father: what child is afraid of his father's servants? The way he and his fellow believing prisoners comprehended their place within the Body of Christ created a strong fellowship cohesion, something which is needed more than ever by the Church today.
Levente Horváth, President, Reformed Rescue Mission
Méret: 110 x 200 mm,
296 oldal. Kartonált puhakötés.
Méret: 140 x 200 mm,
232 oldal. Védőborítós kemény.
Méret: 140 x 200 mm,
544 oldal. Védőborítós keménytábla.
Méret: 114 x 180 mm,
176 oldal. Kartonált puhakötés.
Méret: 110x200 mm,
376 oldal. Puhakötés.
Méret: 165x190 mm,
224 oldal. Keménytábla.
Méret: 195x195 mm,
96 oldal. Kötött.
Méret: 195x195 mm,
48 oldal. Kötött.
Méret: 105x105 mm,
18 oldal. Kartonált.
Méret: 195x195 mm,
88 oldal. Kötött.
Méret: 110x170 mm,
120 oldal. Kartonált.
Méret: 112x180 mm,
160 oldal. Kartonált.
(c) Koinónia 2024